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Old 11-23-2005, 06:03 AM
Posts: n/a
Default ITM preflop review

looking at my stats so far has revealed something frustrating. right now i am finish 3rd about 4x the amount of times i finish first. i actually finish second a bit more than first as well.

now i'm using the gamble for first settle for third idea, but i'm starting to think i'm doing it wrong because of my numbers. looking at the SNG guide in the archives, it seems that 3-handed any Ace/King/Queen is a good hand to go with as well as pocket pairs of course. however i am frequently finding myself busted when playing K/Q or Aces with a low kicker, to someone with an ace or domination.

say i just played pairs, Ax, and maybe KQ-KJ, would this be to tight? i seem to run into overcards so much as well as domination ITM, i feel maybe i am playing too fast. then again the blind structure kind of dictates this.

let's look at the three positions:

button - easiest by far, since i am the first bettor. push with my suggested hands and maybe a few others.

sb - if button folded, do as before, but if button bets, how to tell if he has my beat as opposed to trying for a steal?

bb - if two bets to me, check unless i have pocket pairs or maybe AK-AQ? it's likely here an ace is out. when button raises and sb folds, not very clear again if it's a steal or a better hand.

anyway, i'm just looking for some ITM preflop recommendations. let's assume for the moment stacks are even, as i'll push with a lot more short and wait longer with a big stack.
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