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Old 11-23-2005, 12:52 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: A Question for Semi-Pros Out There

You are making the semi-pro life seem like a lot of work.

The beauty of poker for me is, I work (or don't work) when I feel like it. Sure I keep a semi-regular schedule, but if one day I don't feel like playing, hey, guess what? I take the day off, maybe the next one too. Hell, if I feel like it I can knock off for a week.

Or I can work 16 hour days if I'm into it.

The '15 no more no less' sounds like punching a clock to me which is fine if you are looking for a little discipline, but it doesn't seem to be what you are looking for.

In such small samples of 15 hours a week, you are going to have losing weeks and months, and there is no way to avoid this. You must be able to deal with this mentally.

And who says you have to play poker 15 hours a week? If it is not fun, quit. If you are not playing your best, take a month off, recharge you batteries. You have a paycheck coming in, so you are in no rush.

Suggestions----play when you feel like it, 20 minutes or 20 hours. Don't lock yourself into 'I have to play' mentality---you don't.

After each mini session, ask yourself, 'did I play well?'
You aces may have gotten cracked 4 straight times, but if you didn't go on tilt, know that you did your best. You seem to recognize when you are playing less than your best.

Try a different game to perk up your interest. If I have been playing a lot of limit and have been spewing, I might try a NL sit&go to tighten up my play and get a different perspective.

Finally----If you don't feel like playing---DON'T. Do yourself a favor, watch a movie, read a book, try something new with your girlfriend, take a nap, but stay away from poker. When you get that 'I can't wait to play' feeling, you know it's time to sign back in.

Good luck---
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