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Old 11-22-2005, 07:57 PM
ZenMusician ZenMusician is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Are the Queens called Quoons?
Posts: 77
Default Re: Card Trackers or pure Stupidity

The guys around here sure love a good joke...

Seriously...there is a piece of software (I won't name it here)
that is used this way: you enter the hand# and it will decode
it (like a barcode or a checksum) to determine what 5 cards
will appear on the flop. This is also used by Party Support to
determine if there was any hacking, etc. because they can just
decode the number string to get the flop that was supposed to

The bad part is you cannot read opponents' hole cards or determine
what order the cards will hit the flop...just the cards themselves. There
is a known bug when using the "four color deck" option that will not
correctly assign the right suit to a card, but the rank is the same.

I really hate that software like this exsists...but if you are among the
few people who use it then all the better. Be VERY CAREFUL trying
to download it online or from another player, because there are often
"backdoors" like viruses and utilities that let your "friend" see your
hole cards.

Best of luck, and hurry before Party changes their checksum
algorithms after the 1st of the year...(although they will crack
the new one too eventually!)

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