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Old 11-22-2005, 07:21 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Getting thrown out of a Vegas poker room


why on earth should any self-respecting person put up with harrassment from a drunk jackass when they could easily have that jackass silenced or removed?

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If the guy considers someone calling him "old man winter" harrassing, then I'm guessing he pretty much lets any ridiculous thing bother him. That's just pathetic and weak.

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You are missing the point and showing your selfish attitude regarding this whole issue. All of your posts (and the originator of this topic) all go back to one thing, which is basically stated as, "Because I think it's okay, therefore it's alright for everybody."

For one, it is not reasonable to think that a random stranger is going to like being called a derogatory nickname repeatedly. I agree, if you were to say something once, and let it go, it might still be stupid, but I also think most people would be alright with it.

It gets unreasonable when it is done repeatedly, to the point where it does become abusive. Would it be alright for someone to sit at a poker table and repeatedly scream in somebody's face? Maybe if they did it once after a bad beat or something, that'd be one thing. But when you do anything nasty repeatedly, it rises to the level of abuse.

Everyone has a right to play poker in a friendly environment. Stop belittling the man's sensitivity. If someone were to say "Hello, how are you doing?" and another player complained, that would clearly be unreasonable. However, if you repeatedly insult someone, then it's just plain wrong. Also, comments like, "I am a jerk so accept it" are the type of things that will get you into jail, not Wynn hotel rooms. If you get high off being a jerk, there are bigger issues to address than getting thrown off a poker table.

At the Wynn, they probably tolerated the original poster's antics because he was a guest. Also, I might add: Doesn't it strike you that you may have done something wrong when another player wants to come to blows with you? Maybe, just maybe, that indicates something is awry?
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