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Old 11-21-2005, 09:18 AM
Myrtle Myrtle is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Massachusetts
Posts: 388
Default Re: Runsfeld Clears Things Up

Here are some good reasons for war:

1. Bold Conquest i.e., land grab.
2. Long-term economic and political gain.
3. Influence and dominance in trade routes.
4. Protection of important resources and/or to gain resources for self-interest and economic power.
5. Revenge/punishment for past acts.
6. Your God is more powerful than the other guys God - thus a war should be successful with all the attendant gains involved.
7. To free your 'country' or 'clan' from tyranny.
8. To spread your religion with all the attendant economic and political gain that comes with it.

Any one or combination of the above is a good reason(s) to engage in war.

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You have an interesting definition of "good". I see only one of those that's clearly a "good" reason.

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