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Old 11-21-2005, 04:50 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Free Card or Fire Away?

At first I thought this flop raise stunk big time... I need some help with the maths, if anyone can help me out, but I'll give it a go.

The only reason you would make this raise is for the free card.
With the GS draw to the nuts and the BDFD we assign roughly 20% equity (for ease) to Hero's holding.

EV of raising = (.2*14.5sb) - 2 = .9
EV of calling = (.2*10.5sb) - 1 = 1.1

So calling is .2sb or .1BB better. But that doesn't factor the free card.
If you don't make your hand on the turn, Hero's equity drops to about 11%. So, if you get your free card, the Villians grant you your 11% equity for free.
ie. (.11*7.25BB) = .79BB
<font color="green">
So, Hero only needs to be 13% sure of getting the free card to make this raise correct.</font>
ie. EV(calling)-EV(raising)/free card EV = .1/.79 = .13 = 13%

BUT... this makes a few assumptions.
1. that everyone calls your raise on the flop.
2. That you're not 3bet on the flop.
3. you wouldn't have got the free card anyway.
4. <font color="red">BB would not have fired again on the turn when you made your hand.</font>

This last one is the most important.
11% of the time, Hero will make his (nut str8)hand on the turn. Giving him ~95% equity of bets going in.
If BB would have fired again on the turn, had Hero not raised, Hero has cost himself 95% of between 2 and 16BB. If we assign a reasonable figure of 6BB -
.95*6BB = 5.7BB

Hero costs himself 5.7BB 11% of the time = .627BB.

If you factor this into the flop call EV calculation.

EV(calling)-EV(raising)/free card = (.1+.627)-.79 = .92

You now have to be 92%sure that you will get the free card.

There is definitely a greater than 8% chance that villians will improve on the turn and deny you the free card.

<font color="purple"> Overall making this play -EV.</font>

If you factor in the amount of times that you get 3bet on the flop AND don't get your free card it's a pretty easy call.

Seeing as you raised......TAKE THE FREE CARD.

<font color="blue">I found this play very interesting and it definitely doesn't stink as much as I first thought. Something I wouldn't have thought of doing, but against the right opponents, it may be a good way to mix up your play. </font>
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