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Old 11-21-2005, 03:03 AM
David Sklansky David Sklansky is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2002
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Default Re: Pascal\'s Wager and Free Bets

"Now this does not mean I think that respect and consideration should be accorded to every religious system, because I don't. If one of the super super longshots like one of the wacko personality cults or scientology comes in, then I am screwed for sure because I have in the past and will continue to mock such systems based upon the most preposterous of premises."

Let me weigh in here as well. I have already stated that it is impolite to mock beliefs people hold dear. However you yourself don't agree. Mocking Scientology etc. is OK in your book because it is "preposterous".

By that statement you imply that even atheists realize that the major religions are not preposterous. And that, for the most part is just wrong. Some might feel this way. And many atheists and agnostics would agree that cults are even more preposterous than specific religions. They also might admit that some sort of being created the universe. But after all is said and done, most agnostics, including me, think that any specific religion is RIDICULOUSLY UNLIKELY. Certainly unlikely enough to deserve mocking if Scientology deserves it.
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