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Old 11-21-2005, 02:30 AM
cero_z cero_z is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 307
Default Re: 20/40 Live hand I played

Hi Jeremy,

It's always good to see posts from these games on this forum. Thanks for posting it.

I don't really like either your or your opponent's play here, though yours is better IMO. A lot hinges on how well he thinks he reads you, and whether he understands when to back off. From this one hand, it appears that he does neither that well.

It seems like I could only have one hand that likes this flop and that's 88 55 or AQ...If I re raise now he will fold all hands that I'm currently beating. I chose to play this hand with position so that I could extract the most money when I'm ahead and lose the minimum when behind. I opt to just call the flop and give him a chance to make a mistake.

[/ QUOTE ]

Right, but if your read of his read of you is correct, then how could he make a mistake? If he knows your hand is at least AQ, and you in fact hold that "minimum", then you're just giving him a free shot to hit a card on you and probably bust you (it'd be different if he was right about your range, but you actually held a set).

As we saw, though, he either didn't read your call the way you thought, or couldn't help himself when he turned a OESFD; either way, he has issues. If I was in his spot after you called the flop, I'd only put the most nit-tight players on AQ+ as their range, but if I somehow did put you on that, I damn sure wouldn't bet 1200 with a fantastic draw. That bet doesn't move AQ, gets raised by sets, and I have to call. I'm either checking and responding to a bet as though I have 13 outs and will get it all in if I hit, or I'm moving all-in myself. Moving all-in says, "You called me once with a pair or a draw or whatever; I have one pair, it's better than your hand, and you're not moving me". His bet of 1200 was god-awful.

I think you played AQ too weakly for the conditions (shorthanded, in position, against a LAG), and got lucky because you hit. Usually, of course, he's taking your 240 bucks on the flop.
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