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Old 11-21-2005, 02:30 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Free Will (again)

I'm a little unclear on exactly what is considered in the confines of free will, because I have an example that should make it clear that we have free will, if this example is included in that definition.

So, would this count:

If I think of an abstract concept, like for example, free will, and then I post my thoughts about it on a philosophy forum. (Forgive the simplicity, its late.)
Is this action of posting my thoughts, about an abstract concept mind you, considered an action we can debate about? If so, I think it proves free will--at least to a certain extent. We would be free in our choices when they are governed by reason.

Let me give a better example: I come to the conclusion that God does not exist and thus there is no such thing as sin. I then proceed to the nearest house of pleasure and get my fill. Now it was my reasoning that motivated me to do what I did, and then I made a choice based on it. Before I reasoned this, I wouldn't have gone because it would've been against my values.

PS: When you forget to put the subject line in and just wrote a lot in a post, it is frustrating having to type it all over again. Perhaps something the webmaster should look into fixing.
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