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Old 11-20-2005, 09:35 PM
wonderwes wonderwes is offline
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Default Re: 60 Minutes features on online gambling tonight 7PM EST...

It was good report. I have always thought 60min does some of the best reporting out there. That congressman they interviewed is a nut. He has this pro-U.S. idealogy. "If we think its wrong, we wont allow our citizens to do it." Now that wasn't the exact word for word, but that was the meaning behind it.

I doubt he could pass a bill to allow all banks to not allow EFT's from international (all) gambling sites. That is govt somewhat trying to strip your rights by saying only certain EFT's are allowed to your bank account.

I did like how they pointed out the UK has all this legal under the law, and they generate their own taxes from these companies and they are traded publicly on the stock exchange.

I mostly saw Party and Paradise. Never saw Stars or UB. Saw plenty of other sites for the non poker games.
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