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Old 11-20-2005, 08:52 PM
StoneAge StoneAge is offline
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Location: Iowa, Utah, Vermont etc.
Posts: 124
Default Re: Your Diet and Nutrition

I certainly don't adhere strictly to a hunter-gatherer (unless I am instructing our hunter/gatherer course). I like really good cheeses and yogurt too much to give those up.

I think that environment (and season) plays somewhat of a role in whether hunting or gathering provides more calories. In southwestern Utah during the summer it is easier for me to eat fish, mice, squirrel and lizard than most gathered foods- although buffalo berry is plentiful during the end of summer. I would suspect that a little later when acorns and pine nut come on they would be a big source of calories.

One thing that I think is missing from the diet of most modern americans is fasting. I think as a rule we eat way too much food and a break once in a while is a good thing. I try, but don't always succed in fasting once a month for at least a day or two.
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