Thread: Law School
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Old 11-20-2005, 04:42 PM
PokerProdigy PokerProdigy is offline
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Default Re: Law School

First off, I have not read any of the replies, so if this may have already been said. I heard that a lot of times for law school, medical school, and maybe even other graduate programs (such as MBAs etc...) that they try to scare you. That is, they try to scare people to weed out the week and find out who really wants to become a doctor, lawyer, nurses, etc... My aunt is a nurse and went through similar things at nursing school seminars, and a friend of the family is a doctor and said that at the med school seminar the speakers said things like "95% of you in this rooom will never become doctors." It sorta reminds me of when I used to play high school basketball. During tryouts the coach worked us so hard because he wanted to see who would stick around. The first day of tryouts we would do so much running, and then on day 2, many of the kids wouldn't show up. And since there is only 3 days of tryouts, if you miss one day you are pretty much gauranteed to get cut.

Anyway, if you want to be a lawyer, then don't let this stuff scare you because that is what they want to happen. A friend of a friend who is currently in law school said that the first year or two is hell, because they want to push people out of the program. But once you make it through that, then you're in. I think his exact words were, "after the tough part is over, the question is whether you will graduate, or whether you will graduate with honors," because the teachers don't want you to fail after the initial tough part.

Hope this helps your decision making.
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