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Old 11-20-2005, 02:03 PM
xtingshun xtingshun is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 9
Default Re: I\'m thinking of quitting my job

Under what conditions is it good to take on this quest? Yea this guy spent 100k on a law degree, etc... I too agree he should stay in some form of law, part-time or something. Then again in the law field I think it's usually all or nothing.

14k isn't enough of a bankroll to begin the quest? I know you need living expenses, rent? utilities? say there is no car payment, uses public transportation. What would it take?

I got out of the Navy two years ago, and I've been going to school. A couple of the semesters I've dropped down to part time so I could play and focus on my game more. I play online, but I'm comfortable making 1500-2000 a month, around the 18k+ area.

My rent is fairly cheap $275(my half). I have no car payment, as I paid my car off shortly before leaving the Navy (it's a 97 Civic, good car) and my insurance is $65 a month. My cell bill is $50. No large bills, I live in a smaller city in New Mexico where it is inexpensive to live. I still very much enjoy poker and constantly find myself wanting to read more about it and discuss hands with friends.

I also enjoy taking trips to Albuquerque and playing live. Some tournaments ($45 buy in) and some 4/8 or 10/20 depending upon who is in the 10/20 game. I usually make some money playing live (anywhere from 100 to a recent run of 1700 in a couple days)

My point is, everyone says not to do it, etc...etc... But I think it depends on every person and what you want/need to do. After having spent 5 years in the Navy I needed a way to make money without having to listen to someone. If you want to jump on the edge and try it, do something. It's your life, and you only have one shot to have fun with it. Be responsible but don't be one of the sheep you see walking around hating everything they do and then 10 years wishing they would have done something different.
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