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Old 11-20-2005, 10:52 AM
PJS PJS is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 68
Default Re: My poker coach is unfair...

JeffreyD, I honestly don't know if this post is serious or not. But trust me, if it is, take a long hard review of all these posts. They are right!

If you want to go pro, and are worried about doing some math revision, then you will fail over the long run. Your poker education will never stop, it's a continuous process. If you can't make additional time to learn about the game as well as play, then I personally don't see you lasting long as the game is just too hard.

If I were you, I'd seriously be thinking about the best interests of my wife and child.

If you do still want to continue with poker, then I think you have to change your mindset. take advantage of the recent information that's been made available. You could start by looking at the recent articles by Ed Miller and Dr Schoonmaker. Also, check the new book by Mark Blade.

With a wife and child to support, there is simply to much on the line to make a bad decision.

Good luck,

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