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Old 11-20-2005, 08:25 AM
ThinkQuick ThinkQuick is offline
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Alberta, Canada
Posts: 97
Default Re: ideal casino times

The other posters here may be correct to say that games are always good, but the game types certainly do change throughout the day/week.

You may have to investigate your particular casino to see what happens when, but I can tell you a little about mine:

Weekdays: Day usually starts with the daily noon tournament which draws in one or two tables of old rocks. tight seniors hour continues until school gets out and some weak passive kids show up. after work or after dinner it gets busier which always means quality of play goes down. On tues. & thurs., the 60 player tournies fill the casino with poker players, and the side games are stuffed with busted tourney players that have a wide range of skills and styles.

Weekends: The best time is always a weekend night, stay for a while over a few different nights to see what times are right for your casino. It gets busy and gets LAGGY and people from all walks of life show up for some gambling (and often drinking) fun. Weekend afternoons can be good as well, where many casual players and tourists make an event of going to the casino. Mornings tend to be a transition between the players that were up all night and the players that come at 6 or 8 am for some reason. Actually its probably a good time to play as well, keeping fresh while the sleepy players start screwing up. Many of the better players will be up all night trying clean out the last of the tourists, but everyone gets tired and 5am or later is probably a good time to take advantage of this.

Any holdays or big events in the city bring in even more rich donks, (obviously) either calling stations or lags.

I'm not sure whether individual people are looser later at night as you have suggested, but games certainly become looser as more people crowd the casino. However, when more and more tables get filled you have an increased chance for table selection and can look for what you want.

hopefully this answers some of your questions
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