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Old 11-19-2005, 05:05 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: I\'m thinking of quitting my job

Without advising you one way or the other:

One thing I can say is things change psychologically when poker becomes your only source of income. Bad beats probably won't roll off your back as easily as they did. I'm talking from personal experience as someone who jumped too soon. Bad beats used to roll off me like nothing. I had a perfect mentality, it's only money, and it's other people's money anyways.

When you hit your first long bad run, and you will hit one sooner or later, the bad beats sting hard. Not tilting becomes a lot harder when you need that money.

So if you do decide to do it, be prepared for that. Also, make sure you are definitely bankrolled properly.

Don't let anyone make this decision for you. If you KNOW you can do it and really believe in yourself, then you can. It's like that Nike commercial..."The man who thinks he can and the man who thinks he can't are both right." Just try to be as prepared as possible and don't rush into it.
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