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Old 11-19-2005, 03:39 PM
David Sklansky David Sklansky is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 241
Default Re: Catholics less nutty than Protestants: more evidence

"If one is under the legal authority of the diocese then one would have to celebrate the mass that is prescribed in that diocese. But the SSPX does not belong under the jurisdiction of any diocese, nor does it claim to, nor does it set up its own counter diocese claiming that the other dioceses are invalid (like the schismatic Orthodox). It is a self sufficient brotherhood and does masses where the faithful have asked them to come.

"And of course since in my diocese for example the Trid is lawfully allowed in a certain parish, that means you would go to it rather than needing to go to a nearby SSPX chapel right?"

Unfortunately, even though the Latin Mass in your parish is in itself good, it gives rise to scandal. The scandal is that the Tridentine Mass is morally and faithfully as good as the New Mass, and choosing one or the other is merely a matter of personal preference. This is NOT the case. The priests who celebrate the Tridentine Rite under Ecclesia Dei (a document suspected of heresy) must also concelebrate or celebrate the New Mass at the whim of their diocesan Bishop. To disobey would put them in the same boat as the SSPX to begin with (OR even worse, because they will be seen as flip flopping on the issue)."

I will now list all those who think that there is no reason to care about this stuff.

1. Atheists

2. Agnostics

3. Jews.

4. Buddhists

5. Hindus

6. Liberal Protestants.

7. Not Ready

8. 90% of Catholics

9. Jesus Christ

10. God
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