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Old 11-19-2005, 09:51 AM
SA125 SA125 is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 171
Default HEY TEX

Tex, you're a funny guy. You came into the forum with guns blazing. Then you proved you've got some sense and guts by recanting the shooting. Then you ask for help, Daryn gives an unwelcome response to the latest turn of events, and this is how you respond to him.

you must be a sad, lonely little man.

i am sorry if you were abused as a child, but if you must attempt to belittle people in order to gain self esteem, i really think you should seek mental and spiritual guidance.

i do not want to imagine how miserable your life must be.

i am truly sympathetic to you, because you seem to be a damaged person.


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Wow. Daryn doesn't like your post and you insult him as best you can, going so far as to suggest he was abused as a child.

People who were abused as kids never forget it. The best they ever hope for is to just ignore and cope with it. I'm not one, but know a few of them. It's like they've been cursed for the rest of their lives.

And when the moderator gives a member a title like WARNING....blahblahblah, well, it gives guys like daryn the idea it's okay to blast me, because, well, the moderator kind of condones it in some sort of way.

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Now you're the victim of Daryn's of others constant ridicule. Try to understand something. You can't be all things - expert, apologist, help seeker, ridiculer, victim. You've been wrong more than right. You're not the first and won't be the last. No big deal. We all make mistakes. Just stop playing the victim here. You're not. You're just someone who started on the wrong foot and is working to get on the right one.
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