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Old 11-19-2005, 06:57 AM
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Default Re: Brand Spankin\' New Glock 19

Myth: The police are our protection, and people don't need guns.

Fact: Tell that to 18,209 murder victims, 497,950 robbery victims, and 96,122 rape victims that the police could not help.71

Fact: The courts have consistently ruled that the police do not have an obligation to protect individuals. In Warren v. District of Columbia Metropolitan Police Department, 444 A.2d 1 (D.C. App. 1981), the court stated: `[C]ourts have without exception concluded that when a municipality or other governmental entity undertakes to furnish police services, it assumes a duty only to the public at large and not to individual members of the community.' Well, except for politicians that receive taxpayer-financed bodyguards.

Fact: There are not enough police to protect everyone. Currently, there are about 150,000 police officers on duty at any one time.72

- This is on-duty police. This includes desk clerks, command sergeants, etc.
- far fewer than 150,000 cops are cruising your neighborhood.
- There are approximately 271,933,702 people living in the United States.73

- Thus there is only one on-duty cop for every 1,813 citizens!

Fact: The United States Department of Justice found that, in 1989, there were 168,881 crimes of violence for which police had not responded within 1 hour.

Fact: 95% of the time police arrive too late to prevent a crime or arrest the suspect.74

Fact: In over 90% of U.S. cities, technology does not give police dispatchers the location of a cellular telephone caller75, making police protection nearly impossible for travelers.

Fact: 75% of protective/restraining orders are violated and police often won't enforce them unless they witness the violation.76
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