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Old 11-19-2005, 01:28 AM
IggyWH IggyWH is offline
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Location: Pittsburgh - FIESTA BOWL BITCHES!
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Default Re: On a similar note

On a similar note, this isn't a habit, more of an observation. Do you have anyone in the office that can only relate to you on one topic? Every time you see them, it's the same thing. In my case, it's fantasy football. I wonder if we'd even talk if I didn't have a FF team. "Who should I start this week...Corey Dillon or Duce Staley?" "Who are you starting?" "What defense should I go with?" God forbid you try to talk about something else. I know he does other things, but all I get from him when I change the subject is a short one-line answer. Drives me nuts. Occasionally we can talk about Lobo football and basketball, but inevitably it goes back to FF. I wonder if he'll still be my friend when the season is over.


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Smart people like myself do this to annoy the crap out of people that they don't like without being too obvious. I ask this guy at work the same thing everyday (when I purposely know the answer is always no) and he gets visibly pissed each time.

He probably thinks I'm retarded, but I get a good laugh out of it each day. Others have caught on that I do this and they purposely come around me when I do this just so they can join in on the fun that I have.

I'm just an office bitchboy so I have to use intelligent warfare to stick it to the man.

Probably the thing that bothers me the most is the offices around me, the people always talk on speaker phone and never close their door. Is it that hard to close your door if you want to be loud as hell?!?!
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