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Old 11-18-2005, 11:55 PM
Garland Garland is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: San Francisco, CA
Posts: 351
Default Criticism for Dave...

That's the second time I heard something to the effect of "he's only invested $20, he should be able to get away from this". The 2nd time in reference of Mike's call of a limp-reraise with 88 against Tommy's AA.

"He's only invested ___ dollars"... should never be a reason for a decision to call, raise or fold. What you put in the pot is no longer yours. It's now in the pot and you use pot odds to determine if you should call, raise or fold (as well as remaining stacks for implied odds).

Sorry, but I've heard "I've only put $xx in the pot, I'm getting away from this" a lot, and it's this faulty logic which leads to poor decisions.

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