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Old 11-18-2005, 07:29 PM
jcx jcx is offline
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 42
Default Re: Modern arguments for communism?

If I understand coorectly many hunter-gatherers lived in relative plenty and were able to get by on a 20 hour work week. But this plenty stemmed from relative domanance a few humans achieved over their environment, an environment that produced everything they needed. When population became a problem, wars were the solution. Today we have an amazing world population made possible by technological advances and economic efficiencies. Significant human production is neccesary to sustain the world's population, and this production must be properly motivated and rewarded or it will not happen.

Some people may buy into communism, and thus overcome the incentive problem, but the entire world will not. (not at present)

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The world is not that far off from being ready for communism. A quick switch to a communist state (read as revolution) would improve the lives of literally billions. These are powerful numbers it takes more and more effort from the ruling classes to keep these lower classes in line, soon they will not be able to control them.

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I can't believe this discussion has carried on so long. The evidence against communism is so strong that anyone who is a proponent of it in this day and age should be looked upon as someone who wishes to spread bubonic plague.

You underestimate how easy it is to keep "The underclass" in line if you are willing to be brutal enough. Especially with modern weapons. As evidenced by the Soviet thwacking of a few uppity Hungarians in the 50's. Or the fun stroll in the countryside that was Year Zero. Or Tiannanmen Square. Or this little nugget....(watch the video)

Certainly there are losers in a capitalist society. And occasionally the dispossesed get pissed and engage in a little mayhem. But I don't recall the Watts riots being put down by the marines, even though a rapid deployment with shoot to kill orders could have ended the riots in an afternoon. A few snipers on Paris rooftops could have ended the recent rabble rousing in no time. Why the restraint if TPTB in capitalist countries don't give a damn about the underclass?

Answer for me, please: Has every single man involved in communist leadership since it's conception been an evil man by nature? Or did something turn them that way? Did Lenin, Stalin, Pol Pot, Castro, Mao, & Kim corrupt a noble idea or is the idea itself inherently flawed? Why does the proletariat risk all to flee a worker's paradise to enter a capitalist society out to exploit them?

Look at the modern comforts enjoyed by the common man today, from the telephone to air conditioning to the toaster. Please name one thing that the world of communism has provided in the way of material comfort for the common man in over 80 years of practical exisitence.

No offense, but your picture should be next to the definition of "useful idiot" in the encyclopedia. You do realize that when communists take power they usually thank loyal intellectuals like you with a bullet to the head?
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