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Old 11-18-2005, 05:29 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Temp Results

Hi Spicymoose,

What I really want to know is the strength of some of these marginal hands, and how playable they are out of the blinds. I picked offsuit hands because it's easier to get a statistically sufficient sample of them since they occur so frequently. The specific hands I picked, K9, Q9, J9, and T9, are one notch south of hands I KNOW are profitable overall in 6 max games.
Are these hands only playable on the button?
How much do they make on the button?
Can some of them open in the cutoff as well in typical games?
I suspect that any hand that you can open with from the cutoff as a default play should be at least breakeven EV overall (in 6 max games). My stats with all 4 of these hands are miserable, so I am interested in learning more about them.
Lastly, I enjoy looking at and pondering the statistics of hand values. I learned a lot about relative hand values from the EV charts at . The problem with that site is that you have the combined stats of everyone, including poor players, which skews the results of marginal hands.
If I had access to a hundred people's DBs I could look at all sorts of things, but I don't; so I have to come up with a simple question that I can get a high volume of responses on.
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