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Old 11-18-2005, 01:43 PM
AKQJ10 AKQJ10 is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 184
Default Re: Hand converter in faq

Nah I get "the page cannot be displayed" error as in its down

[/ QUOTE ]

Perhaps this forum needs to give newcomers a refresher course in seeking tech support. (I'm a newbie to stud, but a veteran of tech support on both ends of the conversation, so I feel entitled to be a curmudgeon about this.)

To the OP: the responses you've gotten have been useless because you waited to give the error text until around post #6 on the thread, excerpted above. If you want help with this specific error, you should report the text of the error instead of saying

Just wanna let u guys no that its not converting giving an error

[/ QUOTE ]

and leaving everyone to guess what it is. Of course they guessed that you're using an unsupported HH, because in the absence of the error text that's the best guess.

Speaking of hand converters, I'm trying to track them at . AFAIK SheridanCat's is the only one being actively maintained besides the stud one referred to in this thread, but I'd encourage anyone who knows of other ones to add them there.
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