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Old 11-18-2005, 12:40 PM
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Default Re: Modern arguments for communism?

Communism, or at least socialism, is not only likely, it is inevitable.

Technological advances will eventually allow us to create robots which do anything an unskilled human could do. After a little while, they will be able to do any kind of skilled labor. At that point, only a small percentage of the population will have economically viable skills. Essentially, the only people able to find jobs will be those who own and manage companies and those who do research and other tasks requiring very high-level intelligence.

This will have two strong effects. First, society will have the means to fulfill everyone's material needs. Second, if a relatively laissez-faire capitalist model is continued, the vast majority of people will not have jobs, and will not have the money to buy much of anything. Therefore, there will be enormous political demand for redistribution of wealth and income. Any democratic government would be forced to provide some kind of guaranteed income to everyone.
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