Thread: Law School
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Old 11-18-2005, 12:19 PM
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Default Re: Law School

I am a 3L at UVA Law, and honestly I think it sucks.

I like most of the people here, and most of the profs I get along with just fine. That said, I wish I had never come, and here's why.

It all hinges on what you can do out of law school. Most people out of UVA go work for a big law firm. I thought for $125k per year this would be worth doing, but after I worked at one for a summer and saw that these people are fat, balding and depressed, spending 60-80 hours a week pushing paper I realized that this job really sucks and there's no way on earth that I'd do it for a measly $125k. Sounds like a lot of money, but when you do the math after taxes it's something like $30-$40 / hr. A lot of people have to do that bc they have a ton of debt, I don't, so I'm lucky in that regard.

After I realized BigLaw totally sucked I went to look to find out what else there was to do. Turns out most stuff you can do (consulting firm, public service) pretty much sucks as well for one reason or another. So no law stuff for me, I'm going to go back to trading and running my software company.

The one thing most people WONT tell you is that it's freaking easy. There's an essay exam at the end of the semester that is your whole grade and it's on a B+ curve. Most people get a B+ or near it. Maybe 2% of the class gets a C and no one gets Ds or Fs.
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