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Old 11-18-2005, 10:34 AM
canis582 canis582 is offline
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Default Any Italia Federici pics?

I was listening to cspan radio before bed last night and this chick was testifying before the Indian Affairs Committee about the pay-to-play scandal with Abramoff, Delay et al.

She sounded hot and smart (well, smart enough to know what plausible deniability was). I couldn't find a pic of her online this morning. Did anyone see her?

She was REAL close to being in contempt of congress a bunch of times. She was really evasive, giving fillibuster-style responses where she would go on and on without answering the question. Then she started interupting them before they finished their questions...and she was doing this to McCain. It really showed the level of contempt these lobbyists have for our democracy that they think they can get away with using our government officials to advance their business interests.

The evidence against her is volumious and damning, but she was crying about being the victim of a 'witch hunt'

Babe: A member of the press told me I was the victim of a witch hunt where you guys are out to get me at any cost.

Senator McCain: Who told you that?

Babe: ummm nevermind.

Senator McCain: You realize you are under oath.
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