Thread: LOST (spoilers)
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Old 11-18-2005, 05:23 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: LOST (spoilers)

Pre-flight stuff/people with post-crash stuff/people.

So here's what I remember:

Sawyer got drunk with Jack's dad.
Hurly won the lottery with the island broadcasted numbers.
Jack ran with the bunker dude.
Hurly owns Locke's box company.
Jack's fiance killed Shannon's father in car accident.

These are way too random to not be important and I'm sure I'm forgetting some. Add to the list.

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Hurley and Locke's mother were in the same hospital
Hurley and Locke had the same boss at different places
The girl who picked the loto numbers was the same as the girl in the hotel room with sawyer

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That last one is obscure - you mean the girl on TV picking the numbers?

Ana Lucia talked to Jack at the airport bar.

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Kate was at the same motel as the kids from the tail section.

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Michael and Locke were both hit by a gold Bonneville. Kate ran into a gold Bonneville.

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Hurley stayed at the same hotel as Charlie and possibly Walt/Michael.
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