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Old 11-18-2005, 04:56 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Difficult Situation With A Close Friend


You may say I am mental. I don't know anything about the value of your judgement. To explain further: conventional life is not for everyone. I just try to be non-judgemental. If he doesn't harm anyone else, from my viewpoint, he has the right to try what he wants. What's more, if I figure out the guy properly, from the little I know, I suspect he would hate interference and probably go harder at it, for spite.

Anyway, you are enttitled to your views. I simply want to assure you that I have his best interests at heart in suggesting that he probably doesn't want to be interfered with. But I know some people cannot help themselves, they have to set everyone else right (according to their, or the majority, view).
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