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Old 11-18-2005, 04:05 AM
ThinkQuick ThinkQuick is offline
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Alberta, Canada
Posts: 97
Default Re: \"play your rush\" by Doyle Brunson

by the statement above you are saying that you and the top players DO believe in the rush fairy!

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No, absolutely not. Based on what you are saying, every time I start to win a few hands, I believe this is going to be the “next great rush” and start donking off chips.

I win several hands in a short period all the time and it never crosses my mind.

But if you play enough hands, once every blue moon you just hit one of those runs. I don’t play stupid, I just bet a little more aggressive than I normally would.

But I’m not a top player, so my experience doesn’t really address your question.

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you're not getting what has been said to you. While it is correct to say that sometimes you do really well over a certain period of hands, It is not correct to say that it is possible to determine when you are in one. I have heard many blackjack players say things similar to what you are saying - they don't believe in "rush fairies" but they say they get their maximum money in during that "window" when they are experiencing a winning streak. This makes absolutely no sense to me.

If you were betting heads playing a fair coin flipping game and you knew that you sometimes go on long 'rushes', would you actually bet more when you started to win a few in a row? It seems obvious to me that this makes no sense.

While there is truth to the fact that the psychological effects of rushes certainly helps prolong them, you still cannot predict the occurence of a hot run of cards, even when you are in it.

So.. there is no rush fairy, and stop believing in it. I think it is strange that many top players do believe this, but I get the impression that this is the case. I suppose that many professional athletes are quite superstitious, so maybe it isn't so foreign after all.
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