Thread: Law School
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Old 11-18-2005, 02:47 AM
SackUp SackUp is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2004
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Default Re: Law School

So, I'm wondering, to those in Law School or those who went to one, does it suck? Is it pretty much all work with very little time to do whatever the hell you want? Are the majority of students Type A personality shmucks?

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I'm a 3L, I'll take your questions one at a time: [ QUOTE ]
does it suck?

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At first, yeah it pretty much totally sucks. Your first semester you're not going to know what you're doing. Reading cases and briefing them are goinig to take you forever. You're not going to have much tim eto socialize (although I managed to always take 1 day off a week). However, you'll learn how to read cases faster relatively soon, the fear of being called on will wear off, you'll figure out how not to brief cases, you'll finish your first semester, and it will get better. [ QUOTE ]
Is it pretty much all work with very little time to do whatever the hell you want?

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It pretty much really gets better as you're there. The old adage "Your first year they scare you to death, your second year they work you to death, your third year they bore you to death" is pretty close to the mark. In my third year now, I only actually go to class 2 days a week. The remaining 3 days a week I'm in a clinical at a prosecutor's office where I'm actually trying cases and sending criminals to jail. Its pretty damn fun. [ QUOTE ]
Are the majority of students Type A personality shmucks?

[/ QUOTE ] Nah, the majority of Law Students are alcoholics.

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This is 100% spot on. I'm a 3L as well and have the same experience so I echo jman's response.

I do know a lot of people who really don't want to be in law school and really do not enjoy it at all. So I do recommend taking a good look at law school and some other options before you decide to make the plunge.

I also HIGHLY recommend taking at least a year off. I don't know about you, but my senior year of college was a joke and I was nowhere near the mindset I needed to be in for getting back into serious studying. Taking a year off and having a job I had to go to everyday and work was the best thing I could have done. Definitely puts you in a much better frame of mind for law school. Also, it gives you some time to explore and see if you really want to go to law school instead of just impulsively going on to more school b/c you don't know what else to do.

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