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Old 11-18-2005, 01:23 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Two Problems with My Game. How do I Fix Them?

I've been thinking about my NL holdem game lately, and have pinpointed two possible weaknesses that I'd like advice on.

The first weakness is that I have is my natural disdain for slow playing just about any hand in a ring w/6 players or more. I seem to have a psychological block about allowing even the possiblity of letting other players to catch me when I think I'm ahead and often don't mix up my game enough with trapping. About the only time I find it in me to slow play is when I get heads up in a hand with someone who has been obviously getting out of line with overly aggressive play.

My second problem is that I have a very hard time making loose calls when faced with what I deem to be favorable implied odds. Just as I hate to let anyone chase me down, so do I hate to chase when I'm behind. I almost never call a pot sized raise to chase a flush even if I'm assured of busting a guy out if I hit it.

Now I know this is kind of a weird post, but I really need some insight. I know that generally, my desire to play "correctly" is a good thing. I mean, who complains that they don't chase enough hands, right? And one of the most common mistakes beginners make is slow playing too many good hands, so it can hardly be a problem that I rarely slow play can it?

But I'm thinking it might be a problem. I think I'm missing on some opportunities by not being more creative and sophisticated with my play once in awhile. Maybe it doesn't matter when I'm simply pushbotting against donkeys at SNG 11's, but what about at the next level or even in my home game?

Am I crazy? Are these really problems or do I just need to be reminded not to get caught up in fancy play syndrome? And if you agree that my failure to make a loose call or slow play a little more is a problem, then how do you suggest I mentally overcome my natural resistance to doing these things?
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