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Old 11-17-2005, 07:36 PM
ptmusic ptmusic is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 513
Default Re: Brand Spankin\' New Glock 19

"When in our country's history has the government turned things into police state? That's just paranoia."

They couldn't when the people have guns. Other nations have gone through this though, first by disarming the masses. I think you have heard of the USSR.

"The subject of my post was concealed carry. Try to stay on that topic. I don't want to take anyone's guns away, I just don't want everyone to be walking around armed."

Than this does not even apply to the Second Amendment, but one's natural right to defend themselves from harm. Concealed carry does this. You cannot allow a person not to defend themselves. You can only disallow them from assaulting others.

[/ QUOTE ]

No matter what your definition of "natural right" is (and it's suspect whatever it may be, considering your posts in the homosexuality thread), carrying concealed modern weaponry cannot logically be in that definition.

If you are claiming that self defense is a "natural right" then I might agree; but having any means of self defense you desire at your disposal cannot be considered a "natural right".

Anyway, I'd like to hear your definition of "natural right".
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