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Old 11-17-2005, 06:30 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: fresh out of school, no debt- whats the best risk?

Doing a start-up fresh out of school would be the worst thing you could possibly do.

I'm assuming you are 22-23...?

Unless you are older and have years of experience in the field in which you wish to take ownership of business...

Getting an MBA sounds like the best option.

Investing in real estate is usually a good option, but are you learned enough on this industry? When in doubt, sleep on it. Don't rush into something. 55K isn't a ton of money that would change your life or anything, but it's a ton to lose at a young age, doing something stupid.

Good luck.

Oh, you will receive a bill in the mail for $1K for this advice. So, wherever I typed "55K", please substitute "54K". Thank you.
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