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Old 11-17-2005, 05:05 PM
EverettKings EverettKings is offline
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Williamsburg, VA
Posts: 86
Default Re: Unusual Hand vs. Allen Cunningham

Obviously Allen knows that he looks suspicious if he opens the pot. He has a pretty big stack though and can play with you a little bit to see what happens. I'd expect him to open limp a pretty good range of hands here, and open raise typical raising hands and stuff like A6o that don't dance as well on flops.

So if he open raises to 20k, I like sirio's push range. If for example Allen opened with A8o and you pushed, I think he'd be calling. I also think that A8 is about his margin (he'd fold K5o and weaker stuff that he'd open with). So any ace, broadway, etc seems about right. I'd throw in 45s-87s type stuff too.

Smooth call QQ+ definitely but... what will Allen make of a smooth call? He'll probably put you on a solid hand since you just put 1/5 of your stack in play. I might mix in some calls with stuff like J9 and checkraise all in on a flop that I liked. If you had a few more chips I might like calling with drawing hands like 75s so I could checkraise all in on a draw and have enough FE to make it profitable, but here if he leads its probably for 30k and an 80k push may not quite do the trick.

If he open limps then it gets trickier. I'd probably raise with a comparable range to sirio but I'd consider checking in a big pair and leading out the flop and hoping for a raise. I think Allen will put you to the test lots of times when you open like that. With most hands Id just check it in and check the flop and go from there, as the pot's still small and you don't have to get involved yet.

Mostly rambling, but I think you can have some fun with this.

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