Thread: My typical day
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Old 11-17-2005, 03:35 PM
JayCo JayCo is offline
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Default Re: My typical day

I will forever regret my decision. You will too.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wow, not only are you so omnicient as to know what is best for this (and every other) woman's child, now you can perfectly predict the emotional state of 2+2 posters far into the future. You sound more than a little arrogant, self-important, and intolerant in this thread, even to someone who agrees with much of what you are saying. I personally tend to agree with your premise that 40 hours of day care is, for most toddlers, not likely to be as beneficial long-term as being home with Mom and/or Dad most of the time with some daycare a small fraction of the week (say 2 or 3 days per week or a few hours per day).

However, the black-and-white opinions essentially stating daycare = Selfish Evil parenting, Mom at home = Good smacks of being a judgemental holier-than-thou know-it-all. None of the posters on this board know what's best for every family, do you think you might want to tone down the judgmental attitude that only a Beaver Cleaver model of family life is correct and tone up the tolerance and understanding a notch?
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