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Old 11-17-2005, 01:32 PM
ripdog ripdog is offline
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Default Re: THIS is how you parent.

You will, in the future, be amazed at how personality-driven kids are, and how different they come.

[/ QUOTE ]

As a former kid and now reasonable adult, I think "amazed" is a stretch. Any behavioral problems that I have with my kid can and will be traced back to the source--ME!

These particular parents let things slip away from them and are resorting to a stupid stunt to try to humiliate their kid into bahaving. I've got some bad news for them--it ain't gonna work. You don't fix a problem that is 14 years in the making by hanging a demeaning sign aroung the kid's neck and making them stand on a street corner. It's time for this/these parent(s) to put their foot/feet down and stop accepting the offending behavior. It's going to be a bitch, but that's what they get for not dealing with it early. You think this kid turned into a brat overnight? No, the parents failed and have reaped what was sewn.
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