Thread: My typical day
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Old 11-17-2005, 01:20 PM
WarBus WarBus is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 4
Default Re: My typical day

My 2 cents:

There is no reason to feel guilty about playing cards.

I understand the need for day care. Spending 7 days a week with a small child can drive anyone loopy so time away is actually beneficial.

The benfit of poker is that you can play whenever you want and if you are even a moderate winner 4 tabling can bring in a fair amount of money. 20 hours a week as a 1 BB winner is $800. Not bad for a part time job.

They key is how to make the most of your freedom. Maybe send your child to day care 3 days a week and adjust your poker time.


Day care, 3 hours afternoon poker. 3 hours evening poker.

Kid stays home. Evening poker optional.

Day care, 3 hours afternoon poker. No poker so you can watch Lost.

Kid stays home. Evening poker optional.

Day care, 3 hours afternoon poker. 3 hours evening poker.

Kid stays home. 3 hours evening poker.

Kid stays home. Evening poker optional.

18 hours of poker. Use the optional nights to make up the 2 hours plus any times where you take an afternoon or a poker night off.

20 hours of poker. Lots of free time with your child and husband. Enough time away from your child to keep you sane. Enough evenings free for the possiblity of a night out with your husband. A decent part time job with a very flexible schedule. A good paycheck even after the cost of daycare.


I have my 2 kids (6 & 9) 5 months a year. Poker is my only source of income. I play about 70 - 80 hours a month when I have them and 100 when I don't. My kids are older and a little more adept at entertaining themselves plus my girlfriend (does not work) takes care of their needs/questions during my afternoon sessions. The amount of time I have to take them places and do things with them is amazing.
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