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Old 11-17-2005, 11:14 AM
djj6835 djj6835 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 56
Default Re: Brand Spankin\' New Glock 19

What am i missing?

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The second ammendment didn't give people the right to carry arms. The concealed carry laws did, and they are state laws. This is what we were discussing.

Times also change and so can the constition. There is a big difference between what the 2nd ammendment meant back in 1800 and what it means today. The key portion of the second ammendment isn't the part regarding the right to bear arms, but the portion regarding a well regulated militia being necessary to secure a free state. We would all still enjoy the same freedoms withouth a concealed carry law so the second ammendment does not apply in this situation.

In addition to that, giving people the right to carry guns without any sort of training is not the way to form a well regulated militia.
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