Thread: Agree/Disagree
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Old 11-17-2005, 10:47 AM
Bigwig Bigwig is offline
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 38
Default Re: Agree/Disagree

Sigh. The 'different approaches' argument has gone too far.

Sure, there are varying styles that can be effective. However, there are certain fundamental aspects of SNG play that are dictated by probability. This probability does not change from game to game. This constant means that there are certain strategies that are correct such a high percentage of the time, that it's horribly non-optimal to ignore them.

I know several stubborn, bad poker players. When I tell them their mistake, their answer is always: "Well, I just don't play the same style as you do."

Right. I play a winning style, and they play a losing style.