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Old 11-17-2005, 04:37 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: For those of you getting an Xbox 360

Has anybody here heard any rumors about the 360 being moddable like the original xbox was?

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Too early to tell, but is the main site that keeps up with that type of thing. Rest assured, as soon as 360 comes out plenty of people will be prying with its insides trying to answer that question. Also rest assured that MS isn't happy about all the people modding the current Xbox, and will have tried pretty hard to keep people from doing it with 360.

I pre-ordered my 360 about two months ago, and just called the local Gamestop to find out that they won't have enough consoles next Tuesday for me to get mine.

"When will I be able to pick one up?"
"Umm...I don't know, whenever the company sends us more?"

Fun. I'll be getting Oblivion at launch for sure (its two prequels, Daggerfall and Morrowind on PC, were two of my favorite games of all time, even though I don't really like RPGs for the most part - so for me, that IS a system mover).

Actually, I just noticed that Oblivion isn't on the list of launch titles, so I did some digging at IGN...and apparently it's delayed until 2006. Wow, fantastic. I guess I'll be getting Quake 4 at launch then, maybe PGR3, Tiger Woods (previous ones have always been fun) and Condemned looks pretty cool.
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