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Old 11-16-2005, 06:53 PM
busguy busguy is offline
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Default Re: tax implications of using identity other than your own.


As long as you are paying taxes on your poker winnings, there should not be any problems. You have constructive control over the "foreign" accounts.

[/ QUOTE ]

This sounds much more accurate to me. I hate it when people give opinions as "factual" advice or information by saying, "This WILL create a problem". Wouldn't it by better to say, "This MIGHT create a problem" unless you actually had a clue ?

If you did things above board and properly you wouldn't think that there should be a problem.

You play on your friends account. Any winnings you chose to withdrawl are transferred from their Neteller account to yours. You then withdrawl funds to your bank account. You declare your winnings and pay your taxes. How could doing this cause either of you tax issues ? What . . . the government is going to have a clue that your friend has an on-line poker and Neteller account ?. If there are no large random deposits on their B&M bank account why and how would anyone from the IRS ever think to look into or ask about it ?

On the miniscule chance that it was actually questioned of your friend, you could always give your friend a signed letter at tax time every year that states that any and all revenue earned at XXXX Poker site in xxx person's name has been declared by you for tax purposes.

I'm not a CPA but from a purely logical point of view doesn't that make sense ?

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