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Old 11-16-2005, 05:33 PM
HopeydaFish HopeydaFish is offline
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Default Re: How would you react? B&M Confrontation last night

The problem with a guy like this is that, short of killing him, he'll never smarten up no matter what you say or do to him. Some people just revel in acting like douches.

That being said, had I been in your shoes, I'd have probably reacted quite badly to having a his fingers in my face. A guy did something similar like that to me once at a home game (short version of the story is he angrily shoved his cards in my face) and I yanked him onto the table and punched him in the ear. I didn't think, it was just my natural reaction to having someone move aggressively at me like that. It was strictly a defence mechanism.
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