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Old 11-16-2005, 05:10 PM
IHateCats IHateCats is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 68
Default Re: Party 10/20NL, missed OES&Flush draw OOP on river, correct bluff size?

If I had fewer outs and less reason to believe they were good I would have bet more on the turn but there are numerous reasons why I played it like I did. His hand is highly, highly unlikely to be a draw vs a big pair. If he raises me on the turn, I'll push and I'm hoping he's good enough to laydown AA here since my line if I do that looks an awfully lot like a set. If he just calls, I'm getting solid implied odds, will likely get paid off nicely on my straight outs, perhaps less on my flush outs and he's still a long way from being pot commited so I've got room for a big bluff without him feeling forced into a call if some sort of scare card comes. If I bet the full pot, he's left on the river with with less than what's in the pot which reduces my odds of a successful bluff since he's getting better return.
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