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Old 11-16-2005, 04:03 PM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: What Asian film should I watch tonight?

Tae Guk Gi is probably the best of those by a considerable margin, but I haven't seen all of them, just almost all. Serious stuff, though.

Ong Bak is good fun, but sometimes feels a bit like recycled Jackie Chan.

The remake of Zatoichi is really a lot of fun. The tapdance scene in the end is, well, inexplicable and incredibly long.

Hero is great fun and visually absolutely incredible, but feels a bit artificial in its construction.

Bullet in the Head I have to see again. Everybody loves it but it didn't wow me, and it sounds like I'm the only guy it didn't. I suppose I should sit through it again to see if that changes.

Audition, I didn't see, and I didn't see the first Zatoichi, either.

For all around good film, I'd put Tae Guk Gi substantially above all the ones here that I have seen. It's quite moving, and the action scenes are the best I've ever seen in a war flick by a very, very long way. They leave the ones in Saving Private Ryan in the dust, for me. Much more concentrated and intimate, less patchy switching around for effect. You really see the thing itself, not an idea of it or presentation of it, in comparison. Absolutely convincing.
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