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Old 11-16-2005, 01:53 PM
fnord_too fnord_too is offline
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Default Conversation I had with a Party VIP Rep

After a series of emails where I got sent a form letter that didn't answer my question, complained vehemently and got sent an appology, then got the same form letter in the same email chain (all emails still in the message as it was all replies), a Party rep called me on my cell phone (which I did not even know they had, I must have used it in a cash out at some point.

Here are some things he said and I made sure through the conversation that I understood them correctly. They may not all be accurate, but there was no misunderstanding about what was being said.

<ul type="square"> [*] The Thanksgiving offer was the only VIP offer to ANYONE this month[*] Some people had raked hand offers, but these people were not previously part of the players club (MicroBob feel free to chime in here)[*] All offers after this month will be strictly in terms of Party Points[/list]
I told him their system of individually tailoring bonuses for so many players was horrid (duh). Maybe they will make a purely point based reward system that does not depend on history, or at least only gives additional bonuses if you consistently meet some criteria.

I'm probably screwed though since I haven't given Party too much action this month, and frankly probably wont give them as much as normal because I am so pissed at their horrible customer service. (For one thing I was told I would be getting an offer that was retro active to the beginning of the month, that's how this whole encounter started).

One thing the rep said that made me laugh (inside, not to his face) was that they were having some teething issues, but they did not just come up with their plan without a lot of thought. I sincerely hope for the Party Shareholders that the VIP program to date does not constitute a well thought out plan for Party.
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