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Old 11-16-2005, 12:50 PM
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Default Re: How would you react? B&M Confrontation last night

Thank you. I enjoyed putting it up there for everyone to get a kick out of.
The hand described actually happened. I was on tilt like a mutha. The table was probably the loosest I've ever played at. About five hands before I limped in with suited connectors, flopped the nut straight, bet it, guy to my left goes all in, I call. He rivers the boat. I was pissed. About two hands later, the exact same thing. I flop the nut straight, bet, man reraises, I put him in, he thinks, calls, turns over a set and rivers the damn boat. I was pissed. Then, two hands later, man goes in, I look down, figure the pocket aces were good (I thought, only online they're not) and that my tilt would end. When the jerk rivered the third three, I was pissed yet again. That's when I went Hellmuth. That guy had been overplaying hands all night long. His stack went up and down like a hooker's in the backseat of a car. As he raked in the chips he was smiling like a he knew what the f he was doing. Someone made a comment to him about that being a stupid call with two guys all in. He replied, "I know I play a lot of hands." Someone else told him, "no, you MISplay a lot of hands."
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