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Old 11-16-2005, 12:27 PM
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Default Re: I don\'t Have a Problem with a Good Person Going to Hell

Jesus Christ is the only truly good and loving man who ever existed. When we repent of our sin and put our faith in Christ, his righteousness is reckoned to our account. We are counted righteous only then.

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I know many good and loving people, some of them in positions of power. The level of there compassion and influence is of course no where near that of where the the Almighty's is supposed to be. Just the same, the wise, compassionate, understanding leaders that I know would never sentence a man to eternal pain and suffering for simply not being able (notice I'm declining to use any form of the word choice) to believe in ghosts.

I'm aware that the my last word trivializes the faith but I'm attempting to make a point, my apologies to anyone who is offended by it.

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Well the point of believers, apparently, is that none of these people that you or I consider "good" are actually good. They all fall short of the true goodness embodied by Christ. The fact that he had perfect genetics isn't his fault or ours but we'd better accept him into our hearts in order to gain salvation for our "sins."
The fact that none of us have ever MET this perfect human is beside the point. Just accept that we suck and need this person's (whom we've never met)forgiveness.
I guess I better prepare myself for eternal damnation (sweat forming on brow).
Needless to say, I'm not too worried about it. I'm more worried about the prospect of eternal nothingness but whatever.

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