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Old 11-16-2005, 05:00 AM
Josh W Josh W is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 647
Default Re: A post I\'ve wanted to write for a long time (LONG)

Hi Josh,

While I, and i'm sure others, appreciated what you took the time to write, you aren't exploring new territory here. In fact, the only reason you're getting such a volume of responses is the brash and condescending manner in which you presented it. No offense intended.

I enjoy reading your posts, especially the ones I disagree with, as you at least take the time to include a "why" with your "what".

Ultimately, however, your post boils down to two often tred topics.

#1. Success in poker comes not from our own skill, but from the difference in skill between us and our opponents. Granted there are different kinds of skills, and different skills serve different purposes on every betting street. To assume, however, that beating a bunch of "17/10 nits" is easy, is foolish. If these players have the discipline to play that solid, against standard oppositon, it won't take them to long to asses your style of play, and adapt accordingly. Nobody with the discipline to play winning 17/10 poker lacks the intution required to make such adjustments. Doing so, however, requires attention to every detail of the opponentes game. Why bother? They can just as easily ignore you, or go to a game with 6 other 38/14 monkeys and play 600 hands an hour with out thinking. Don't assume just because these people choose not to try outwit that they are incapable of doing so. To make that assumption would be a huge mistake.

#2. Success in poker is realized by recognizing that difference in skill, and exploiting it. Tommy wrote a wonderful post on "making a difference" that explained this, albeit using a vagueness that only Tommy has mastered. I suggest you search it.

I look forward to another one of your poker epiphanys, hopefully the next one will be slightly better received, and much more original.


[/ QUOTE ]

Three points.

1.) If this came off brash (or, rather...SINCE this came of brash) sincerest apologies.

2.) This post isn't directed at people who can beat the tar out of tight games. I **know** that those people exist, and I'm glad they do, because they can hopefully contribute to the discussion (should they choose).

3.) I have seen no threads like this is the last 6 to 12 months. I'm sorry if it's often discussed. Can you please point me to threads regarding these topics...I'm not so egotistical to think that my game can't improve, and if there are threads out there that will help me, I'd love to peruse them

Thanks, and again, sorry for the tone.

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