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Old 11-16-2005, 02:07 AM
Kumubou Kumubou is offline
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Default Re: A Hand from the 2+2 Table that I don\'t think I played very well

Your thinking seems pretty clear to me -- get this hand to showdown. It really comes down to how often they will checkraise you as a semi-bluff there. No idea, but I think a value bet here would be thin at best, given that you are either outkicked or you have his big pair smoked.

What I think is going to be interesting is if it is checked to you on the river. Do you value bet?

As for the flop, am I the only one who calls with the intention of reevaluating based on impending action? If MP calls, I'm probably blasting any turn card. If it goes raise and 3-bet, it looks like a fairly easy fold. If he raises and the BB calls, you are probably (but not certainly) behind but drawing live.

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